Lecture � Sloman, SimAgent toolkit for engineers

Greg Detre

Tuesday, 30 January, 2001


started with sheepdog program again

intelligent, autonomous, emotional � buzzwords in AI

AI used to be about algorithms and representations � now increasing interest in architecture

inman harvey � evolutionary computation in sussex � demonstrated in various environments that using evolutionary computation or genetic programming produces designs that are impossible to understand � any really complex evolutionary system will have a large number of components put together that just work but it�ll be too hard for the human mind to comprehend

that pessimism might well be correct � but he�s hoping to come up with something

Nilsson�s new textbook on AI


POPLOG � graphics in X-windows, incremental compiler, some asynchrony



What do you think of Julian Jaynes???

Have you considered an m-trajectory for PI within an individual � all the choices we make etc.???